Adding Looks To Your Home On A Budget

Secure Window Treatment Options Compared

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If you love your interior decor and don’t want to alter anything to do with the appearance of your current windows, then upgrading the security of them may seem impossible. In fact, it is possible to make your windows more secure against potential intruders by applying a clear plastic safety film. If you stick this material onto the inside pane of your chosen window, then it will be much harder to smash from the outside. Read More»

Terminology to Learn Before Shopping for Blinds

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Blinds are a great choice for any room of the home, and especially for kitchens and bathrooms where humidity levels are higher than in the rest of the house. Wood or vinyl blinds won’t absorb that added humidity, so they won’t show greasy stains or other such marks as curtains and fabric shades often do. When you’re ready to shop for blinds for your home, you might note a few key phrases and terms to learn, and this can help you find the right style of blinds for your home’s interior. Read More»

Does Your Storefront Require a New Stationary Awning?

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When it comes to business, an awning is more than just a structure that increases the functionality of the outdoor area. The structure improves the appearance of the company, and it can be used to advertise your brand and attract more clients through your front door. People can see it from a distance, and this small fixture can make or break your business. That’s why you need to pay attention to how it looks and whether it is making business better or degrading the appearance of the premises. Read More»

2 Ideas For Creating A Salon-Style Photo Gallery In A Small And Awkward Space In Your Home

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When it comes to interior design, it’s often the smaller spaces of a home that prove to be more problematic to decorate than the larger spaces. Areas such as entrances, hallways and study nooks leave little space for furniture or ornaments, yet they look bare and neglected if you leave them empty. If you have one of these troublesome spaces in your home, then you might like to consider a salon-style photographic gallery for the area. Read More»

Small Changes That Can Have a Big Impact on Your Home's Interior

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Sprucing up a home’s interior doesn’t always need to be expensive, and it doesn’t need to involve major changes either. Sometimes even the simplest details can help to update and modernize a space, and make it more attractive and inviting overall. Note a few small changes you might consider around your home, and which will still have a big impact on your home’s design and style. Overhead lighting Take stock of the overhead lighting features of your home, and swap out dull and dated fluorescent fixtures for something warmer and more attractive. Read More»